It is these weather events which have prompted me to add a weather button to my site (the button on the left works the same way), which links to the latest weather in Ireland hopefully it will give people easy access to information as to when to move their animals to higher ground as well as themselves You can click on the weather button now to try it out, just as clicking on the logo top right will bring you to my website. I will over time add more features and links to elsewhere, but this is the country where I live in and hopefully this button will help people have some amount of forewarning, if only even by a couple of hours as to what is coming. It links to information provided by Met Éireann the Irish Weather Forecast Service, who do an excellent job in warning of weather when warning is needed. The button idea came from something I do everyday when going to walk my dogs, make large animal appointments outdoors as a veterinary homeopath. As someone who loves to sail and rarely gets to do, as well as being a son of a father who loved not only to fly himself from A to B, but whose lively hood was originally in the Agri-business and the grandson of a hill farmer, I have an inherent and keen interest in weather forecasts not that they always can predict exactly what the weather is going to do they can give you a fair idea. There was many a trip up the hills in snow to rescue lambs for bottle feeding, so having an idea of when to move animals to a safer place was vital and in my granfathers day that was based primarily on the signs of weather . I was once stuck at sea during the great storm of 1987 often linked somewhat unfairly to Michael Fish, who did predict a storm just not the severity that occurred. We were unfortunately at sea in a small Fisher 25 going from Humble in England to Ballycotton in Ireland, but luckily in the hands of a master sailor who was also the chief pilot of a large airline. I learned the full impact of natures power first hand as we sailed up and down giant waves having being contacted by the RAF when the under-estimation of the storms true strength had been realised and told we were too far from port to risk returning and so we were best proceeding directly into the storm. As I am writing this you will gather that all went successfully.
This interest in weather extends to judging when I go for walks with my dogs by quickly checking the latest rainfall radar to see exactly when the dry spell will be or if it has to be in the rain when it will be lightest.
I even use this to book my large animal appointments so that I generally do them in the dry. I also use it to watch for thunder and lightening storms both from a pets point of view (Homeopet Storm Stress has been proven to work here) as well as when to plug out sensitive electricals. So what does the weather have to do with homoeopathy well it can help when choosing remedies that are worse for damp, cold wet, heat, thunderstorms etc as many homeopathic remedies have very definite weather modalities. Mind you my Labrador in the photo above is a testament to both homeopathy and raw food diet. The picture above is her at 12 years of age doing her favourite thing riding the waves. As you can tell she is not bothered by any amount of rain, unless it interferes with her family or food supply! Homeopathy can also help people and their pets, as well as farm animals cope with the trauma that occurs with these hopefully freak weather events, such as those Ireland is just experiencing, which hopefully will not become the norm either here or elsewhere. To paraphrase Einstein "the truth in science is what stands up to experience" and for many of us we are experiencing changes! But to finish on a happy note at least we now have not just signs which are still as important as ever both to homeopaths, doctors and farmers among many others, but we have some marvellous technology that when used properly can make a huge difference in these situations also of huge importance to homeopaths, doctors, sailors , farmers in fact all of us - the weather forecast is just one of these!